Indiana was where I was first introduced to crocuses. Someone in West Lafayette actually planted their entire front lawn in crocuses. I was enchanted and so envious.
As you have probably surmised, this week's sunny weather (since Wednesday) has caused me to prematurely "Think Spring." I AM SOOOO READY!! So desperate for Spring, am I, that I plan on buying the very next bouquet of daffodils I see at the supermarket. As a matter of fact, I feel like buying everyone I know a bouquet of daffodils. Maybe if we all "Think Spring" it will get here sooner!! LOL
I agree. I wear light sweaters when it is cold out so that the earth gets the picture. "SEE?? I am FINE in a light sweater!" Jeremy and I are going to go over to Lowe's and maybe I will come back with something...
I'm thinking spring!!!! :)
I worked in the yard this weekend - starting on Friday. I have one planter completely done in the front yard. And I had half of the planter done that is just outside my patio in the back.
I planted stawberries, peas, garlic, tomatoes, lettuce and a bleeding heart.
I still have 4 more tomato plants; 3 different types of lettuce and a tahitian lime.
I also plucked two apple crates full of naval oranges and took them to the ward social on Saturday.
I'm feeling it. I checked online last week to see how soon I could plant a garden. I also asked Dad if he had a rototiller. Yea Spring!!
That is funny you should mention Dafodilles, because I have been thinking about planting some in our yard this fall if we are able to. They are all over the place right now and look so nice.
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