You may have wondered about the rumor that we are related to LaVell Edwards, former BYU Football coach. The rumor is true. My mother and LaVell are 2nd cousins. Their common ancestors are their Great Grandparents, Robert Edwards and Elizabeth Huntington, who left England in the late 1860s and eventually settled in Beaver, Utah. LaVell’s grandfather was Aaron Robert Edwards who was born in 1863, while my mother’s grandfather was Aaron’s younger brother, David, who was born in 1867.
LaVell’s father’s name was Philo Taylor Edwards. Yes, there’s that Philo Taylor name again! Aaron Robert Edwards married a daughter of another of the polygamous wives of the original Philo Taylor Farnsworth. So, as it turns out, LaVell Edwards is also related to the famous inventor of the television. They are 1st cousins, once removed.

Andy has talked to Lavell a couple of times (golfing) and told him of our relation to him. Lavell actually called up some family member to clarify how we were related. I think Lavell got a kick out of it. . .
I am related to that whole outfit to, but instead of being cousins numerically removed, I am merely moved.... off to the side somewhere.
We have great heritage! Heheeheh!
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