“Know you what it is to be a child? It is to be something very different from the man of to-day. It is to have a spirit yet streaming from the waters of baptism; it is to believe in love, to believe in loveliness, to believe in belief; it is to be so little that the elves can reach to whisper in your ear; it is to turn pumpkins into coaches, and mice into horses, lowness into loftiness, and nothing into everything, for each child has its fairy godmother in its own soul.” ~Francis Thompson
“The child must know that he is a miracle, that since the beginning of the world there hasn't been, and until the end of the world there will not be, another child like him.” ~ Pablo Casals
Recently a beautiful, trusting, four year old boy (Angelo Mendoza, pictured below) was horribly mutilated by his own father. The story was so disturbing, I wasn't sure if it was appropriate to even bring it up here. My prayer is that Heavenly Father will pour down special blessings on this sweet child and that his life may yet be one of joy.

It is always terrible to hear of parents that treat their children in such a way.
A mother here in NM hardly more than a week ago suffocated and buried her son in a playground. My only comfort is that I know that sweet little boy is home with Heavenly Father now.
Angelo M did not die; he will be blind the rest of his life. And he will have to overcome the fact that those he trusted betrayed that trust.
That is awful! It's sad that some people don't realize what treasures they have in their children (I know I forget sometimes).
I read an article about Angelo and was deeply bothered by it. I can not understand what brings parents to do the things they do to their children.
For that matter, I don't understand why some people don't value any life and am saddened by the feelings of hate towards others - it seems to be running rampant in today's society.
Sometimes when I think of the terror and pain he felt I can't help but cry for him. I think it's the saddest story I have ever read.
well, this sweet little boy will probably haunt me forever. It's now been about two weeks since I posted this story and it still makes me cry. It will always make me cry until the day he is resurrected whole and perfect, and the Lord Jesus Christ wipes away all tears.
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