I was awake this morning at 5:38 a.m. to welcome the first day of summer.
5:38 a.m. was the exact moment of Summer Solstice-- meaning that the earth's northern axis is tilted as far toward the sun as it gets. In other words, the sun is at its northern-most point in the sky for the year. We are as far away from winter as we can get.
At 5:38 a.m. a robin was near my open window to herald this momentous occasion with his cheerful song. He had been anticipating this moment for several days. On Sunday morning he began his rehearsals at 4:30 a.m. There were other robins in the neighborhood who were doing the same thing, but their calls sounded like far-away echos of my yard's soloist.
I remember other summer mornings when the pre-dawn warblings were a veritable symphony--hundreds of birds shouting joy to the approaching sun. Minnesota and Indiana summer mornings were incredible that way.
Celebrate Summer Solstice! Thank Heavenly Father for birdsong.
That is one thing I have really enjoyed since moving to our new place. There are so many birds! Not to mention that since we are no longer cave dwellers, the sun comes up and shines in my window near six in the morning.
Jeremy was saying how much he loves hearing the crickets now. It's wonderful how Heavenly Father not only makes nature beautiful to look at, but soothing to listen to.
we leave our window open most of the year and often hear the birds singing...
the other joy is the crow of the roosters in the neighborhood.
When our roosters chime in, Dargo wimpers. We havn't decided if it hurts his ears or if he is trying to mimmic... :)
We have humming birds in the yard (lots of them). When I am outside picking oranges they come buzzing by - usually inches from the top of my head or right past my ear - CRAZY. We love spring and all the activity it brings.
The sad thing is that in Utah, it could potentially snow on the Summer Solstice. So, no matter what we do, our lot in life may be to endure longer winters, short summers, and skip spring and fall for the rest of our days. It's all because of those darn fading sun spots.
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