I am continually amazed at the low quality of so much of TV programming. It's not just so "mediocre" that it is an insult to one's intelligence-- although that would be sufficient reason to complain. Some of the new programs promised to begin next month look to be worse than the worst currently showing.
"How low can you go?" used to be the challenge in doing the "limbo" (for those too young to know--the limbo is a "dance" from the West Indies where you "dance" under a stick that progressively gets lower and lower). Today, striving to get as low as possible seems to be Hollywood's most earnestly sought goal.
How low is too low???
Makes me glad we don't have TV...The things I am "missing" out on, I am not missing at all! And the time and money we save is priceless. I remember being incapacitated by having to watch those certain shows I HAD to see. It's amazing what you can do when you aren't hooked to the boobtube.
Besides, movies are better anyway.
we don't watch tv like we used to. There isn't a whole lot that we enjoy watching!
We like movies; we like playing games and we love to cook!
Yes, as it was said in last conference in Jeffrey R. Holland's talk "Place No More for the Enemy of My Soul", the influences of the television and media are going deeper and darker with each passing moment. I personally do not watch much tv, as it is a major waste of time. I blog instead. Wait... LOL
word verification - bring (wow, a real word this time)
I haven't listened to the radio forever and the other day decided to turn it on in the car to my favorite station.... no longer a favorite, the new songs were blah and the words horrible. It is best to be in silence where I can listen to myself think. It scares me to think of what our kids generation will be raised with.
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