Today, let’s look at “college-gate.” Some liberal bloggers (e.g. “Daily Kos”) have actually tried to spread a rumor that Sarah Palin didn’t actually get her 4-year college degree. (Insinuating that she is an airhead who couldn’t possibly have earned a degree, and that she was lying on her resume.) When it became clear that she had indeed graduated, they

Nevertheless, the “Kos” are still trying to make hay of the fact that Palin attended 5 different colleges and that it took her 6 years to get her degree. Their purpose in endlessly pointing out these things is to smear Sarah, implying she was an incompetent, inept student. But here are some inconvenient facts: (1) Back in the 1980s when she was a student, it was not uncommon for most students to need five years to get a 4-year degree. This is a fact. (And may still be true in many universities today.) The problem was that courses required for graduation were not always offered on a timely basis. Even BYU had this problem. Consequently, the Church’s Board of Education told BYU to fix it. They didn’t want kids hanging around for five or six years at BYU, trying to get a 4-year degree and becoming “professional students,” all because they couldn’t get the classes they needed to finish the degree requirements.
(2) Now, add in the fact that when you transfer from one university to another, colleges don’t automatically accept all the credits you have earned from another college. Sarah transferred five times, and may have “lost” credits every time. (3) Next, consider that changing majors also means having to take additional course work, further delaying completion. Sarah changed majors at least once, I think. Your father estimates that he “lost” five years’ of time working on his PhD. because he transferred from USC to Purdue.

So, there you go: taking 6 years to complete a 4-year degree is no big deal. It happens . . . . *Poof!* . . . No more “college-gate.”
Seriously, I don’t know what kind of a student Sarah was. It’s possible that she was a typical co-ed, more interested in her social life than in her history assignments. If so, that was more than twenty years ago, and is now old news. Since then, she has shown herself to be one savvy lady.
One last fact: Merely having a college degree or even many of them, does not prove that you are “educated.” Nor does a college education necessarily bestow on its students wisdom. The truth is, attending college is neither the beginning nor the end of education. How many college-educated people, for all their education, are still “ignorant”? The answer to that is all of them. A college education can do no more than dent the surface of “knowledge.” Becoming truly educated is a life-long endeavor.

AMEN! I really like Sarah, and she seems to be holding up to all the garbage being tossed around.
I think the real learning takes place when you have to try to take all the "stuff" they taught you in school and put it into practice in the real world.... Experience is the greatest teacher, as long as you are paying attention.
IMHO, a degree merely teaches you a little bit about a lot of things, alot of breadth, but not much depth. For instance, my degree taught me about programming, networking, databases, webpages, etc. Am I an expert in any of these? Heavens no. But, the fact that I had a degree landed me the job that I have now. If anything, getting a degree shows potential employers that you can do it. Also, I have heard some people say that getting a degree is like "doing your time" to be accepted in the employment world.
Before I got my degree, I often wondered how I would feel once I got my degree. I wondered how different I would be. I must admit on graduation day I did feel a little different. Elated and depressed at the same time. I was both glad taht I was done, but also sad that it was the end. Mostly of just friendships with students and professors. Looking back, I can see how much I really did change. I have to say that before I started, I was quite the NOOB with many computer related things.
Security word - igqslkk. What you say to other people that have a degree. "Igqslkk. You are hired."
When Victor and I went to the grocery store today I noticed that many of the tabloids and magazines had pictures of Palin with scarring headlines.
I dont' react to it; especially when my democratic co-workers are so direct about their negative opinions for McCain and Palin.
Degrees...I know a wad (yes WAD) of people who feel superior to me because I don't have a masters degree, and what really burns me is how they act like I am a complete moron, even when I am right. Stupid people suck.
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