“What a great idea!” I thought. “My Knight in Rusting Armor [or, rather, my Rusting Knight] and I should do that!” Then, with some quick math I realized that 100 adventures in a year meant about two adventures per week. Considering our ages and waning energy levels two adventures per week seemed awfully over-optimistic. So, I whittled it down to a more reasonable one per week, or about fifty adventures. I got out a pad of paper and a pen, intending to start writing down potential adventures. I then experienced an immediate and overwhelming need for a nap [see napping photo below].

After the nap, I thought maybe 24 adventures a year would be a more manageable number. . . . Or maybe just 12. . . . Or . . . . At the rate I was going, in no time I would have the list whittled down to maybe one adventure per year. With the emphasis on the maybe. I put the "list" aside to think about later.
So, now it is one month later. Time flies even when you aren't having fun. And I am happy to report that today I forced myself to schedule our first adventure for next Thursday, September 11. And knowing how easily I forget or become too tired to do something that sounded fun last week, but now sounds odious, I selected an adventure that required payment of money. Now that it is paid for, we will surely go.

In case you are interested, my potential [*YAWN!*] "adventure" list (so far) includes the following:
1. Heber Valley Girl’s camp
2. Soldier Hollow tubing (winter)
3. Hike: Bridal Veil Falls (up to the mists at base of falls)
4. Hike: Twin Lakes
5. Bike
6. Thanksgiving Point Gardens
7. Christmas lights on Temple Square
8. Corn maze
9. Miniature golf (800 North)
10. BYU Planetarium
11. Sundance ski lift ride to see fall colors
12. Provo Canyon Limited (Vivian Park Train ride 11 a.m.)
13. Camp Floyd Day Sept 27 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Hey, count us in on some of those adventures below. Just let us know when you plan on going.
As far as other adventures, I think it would be cool to go on a cruise. That, of course, would require some serious planning ahead of time. I have talked to a few members of the family (Dave, Becky, and Jenny), and they all said it would be fun to go.
Another adventure would be a family reunion. We haven't had one since those pictures in St. George. Caleb was only a few months old, so that was back in 2003. The one before that was in 1998. So, it's probably about time for one. Although, with how crappy the economy is, it might be hard to plan said reunion.
In any case, I am all for adventures. Count me in. And my whole family too.
We could try for a reunion at Thanksgiving time. . . . I already have the Church building reserved just in case we need to accommodate a "crowd." :D
I always like going places I've never been before. A true adventure!! I'll have to get a book that tells all the cool places to go and check 'em out.
Speaking of adventures, our trip home was an adventure. The traffic was really bad on the freeway just north of the agricultural check-point. So Andy got off the freeway and took the "frontage road." We chuckled to ourselves that we were going to get ahead of the pack. Our chuckling was rudely interrupted when we saw a "road closed" sign as we crossed the overpass. Did that stop us? NO!!! We went around the road closed sign and headed down the road. (A bunch of other people were headed down the same road.) We couldn't figure out why the road was closed and figured it was all the pot holes in the road. About 15 minutes down the road we see another blockade. This time the road closed signs were right in front of a bridge that went over a wash. Cars were turning around. Did that stop us? NO!!!! Andy took our minivan off-road and "4-wheeled" us through the wash, past the bridge and back onto the road. Other drivers, seeing our ingenuity, did the same thing. Including a semi with a tractor trailer attached. We never did see that semi again (or the 50 cars that were behind it!) Whoo Hoo!
Word of the day: Mgulr = what people go for when you don't want your picture taken.
How about an honest-to-goodness snowball fight with the family! How outrageous... I'd like to test my (no)skills against my father... heehee.
Or how about a family recording session - Christmas songs or something.. OHHH! That would be AWSOME!
I know that Mom has been thinking of doing a family reunion at the Heber Valley Girls Camp sometime next fall too.
I have an idea for a family reunion but it's potentially expensive and you need to book the place out about a year in advance. So, Ben and I would definately need to be done with school and financially stable-ish. Most likely, we'd be looking at about 4 or 5 years from now.
Security Word: livnky - I'm not just living.. I'm LIVNKY!
Wow! Sounds like fun! Can I come too? PLEASE! Oh... yeah.... I forgot.... I am going. We are also looking at bed and breakfasts in Manti and Panguitch and maybe Logan and maybe someplace east of here, but not quite to Heber City. I hope they serve iron-free bacon.
Hey Jen-- you need to start your own blog. How about all the photos of your adventure up to Bridal Veil Falls?
Sounds like fun! I really would like to go on those adventures. We are planning on going to Vineyard Nursery corn maze in October, and the Thanksgiving Point gardens are SO nice, and I am sure they will be perfect to visit in the next couple of weeks *hint hint* We are also going to go to the state fair up in Salt Lake! We should all try and hit that one! heheheh! Btrpwom = I don't know what this means, but it sounds funny. :D
Our (possible) adventure for this week is (maybe) going to Zozobra tomorrow night..
Yes.. a flaming marionette screaming into the night... maybe it will be funny this year...
Tammy and I are actually hitting the State Fair in Salt Lake tomorrow (the first day). Kids under 5 are free, and adults are only $2 each (normally $8).
The Salt Lake Fair kicks the socks off of the other supposed fairs in the State. The last one we went to a few weeks ago was the South Jordan Fair. It was somewhat pathetic. By the way, that was where we saw the weird carnival dudes working that I talked about in one of Emily's posts about jibbiles. However, I kind of fabricated the story, but no one seemed to say anything about it. Maybe no one even read it. Oh well.
Yeah, Jen, how long is it going to take for you to jump on the band-wagon? Blogging is super cool. Give me a call, and I will tell you something that I do.
When you mentioned the carnival people, my mind instantly went to "Something Wicked This Way Comes" and I think that threw off all my thoughts...*shudder*
I watched a Bonanza last night about "carnies." JIBBLIES!!! eeeyaaa...
"Wedlocked" isn't all that schlocky. I've heard really good things about it, and I liked it as well. :-)
~DL Walker (the bald guy)
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