"Our party has always been the voice of the powerless and the voiceless.They have been our natural constituency. Let us add to this list the most powerless and voiceless member of the human family: the unborn child."
~Gov. Robert P. Casey (Pennsylvania, Democrat, May 1992)
[Note: Gov. Casey's plea to the Democrat party platform committee ultimately fell on deaf ears. In the midst of his talk, Casey was interrupted by Rep. Nancy Peloci of CA, (who is now the Speaker of the House) …. Peloci said something about everybody there sympathizing with Casey's religious view (Casey's Catholic), and Casey interrupted right back with the words "this is not a religious issue. This is a moral issue. Let me continue, please."]

One of President Obama's first acts last week was to sign an executive order to permit the funding of abortions in foreign countries.
"What happens to the mind of a person, and the moral fabric of a nation, that accepts the aborting of the life of a baby without a pang of conscience? What kind of a person, and what kind of a society, will we have 20 years hence if life can be taken so casually?"
~Jesse Jackson, 1977

I hope he has a change of heart, too.
Man...I don't understand how people can take life so lightly. There are so many people out there unable to have children, and would love to have those unwanted children, if those mothers would just wait 9 months.
What is really sad is that this country is in a state of financial crisis and yet we can "afford" to fund abortions in other countries.
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
wortilo: the thing next to President Obama's nose
It bothers the gonzales family too. We had a heated debate during the elections with Victors mother and sister about one of the propositions in California and what rights a minor has to choosing an abortion and whether parents should be notified. Victor and I were clearly on the side that parents should be informed of anything having to do with a minor. Victor's sister and mother felt really strongly that the minor should be protected and should not have to tell their parents if they are pregnant and that they have chosen to have an abortion. I also know that they have done exactly what they believe.
I cringed when I heard about this new passing... egh...
I, like Jennifer, don't understand why we're sending funding outside of our country when we are struggling financially. It's completely nonsensical.
Abortion is a modern-day Slaughter of the Innocents. 48 million babies have been killed in the USA since Roe v. Wade was passed. People who shrug and "look the other way" are "consenting" to this slaughter.
Star Parker (a black columnist) published an eloquent piece this morning on abortion....
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