The white in the above photo is sea ice caused by below zero temperatures in the UK.

Many people in Saskatoon (Canada) just laugh when they hear anyone talk about "global warming." During this month, they've had the longest and the coldest cold spell since records first began to be kept in 1896.
How much "global warming" have YOU shoveled so far this winter? This is the snowiest winter in Orem since we moved here. Some years we barely got an inch total. During the past month we've had a couple of feet of snowfall.
I agree about it all being political propoganda etc... The earth has always had natural shifts in temperature anyhow, who is to say which is natural change or man made change?
I'm all warmed up . . .
I agree with Debbie... we've only been tracking weather patterns for MAYBE a couple hundred years... how do we know what's normal anyway?
Admittedly, we do need to watch what we do to the environment. We were told to care for our world. However, this planet has the ability to fend for itself pretty well, and it can heal itself too. :)
That's crazy. I didn't think the ocean could freeze like that. But then again, there are ice bergs.
Isn't it weird that they call it global warming? If it is "warming", then why is it getting colder? Shouldn't they call it Global Cooling?
I couldn't agree more with Kat. The only way you can get an accurate reading of how things should be and then know if something is out of the ordinary is by taking a reading for 26,000 years. That's how long it takes for the galaxy to make a complete rotation.
They have other ways of estimating past temperatures variences, that's how they know we had a few ice ages etc... They also have proof of warmer climate plants and animals in many of the worlds now frozen corners.
Makes me really glad that I am basking in the sunnyness that is Southern California...Ah...today I went to the beach TWICE! TWICE PEOPLE! and I went in the WATER BARE FOOT! YEAH!
Well, Southern California IS the best place to be this time of the year. But, St. George will do ... that's where we will be this week. Leaving here on Monday and returning on Friday. Being in St. George sure beats being in Orem by at least 20 degrees or so! :D
It has been extremely nice in Southern California. The weather was perfect on Monday at Disneyland. It wasn't too hot or too cold and we were all comfortable all day.
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