"Mad Magazine's new Obama cover spoofs the notion of the president's first 100 days but accelerates it to his first "100 minutes."
"The caricature shows a completely stressed-out Obama puffing on several cancer sticks simultaneously as he holds his head in his hands. (That's what happens when the world knows your're a reformed smoker who admits to occasional lapses.) An open bottle of Pepto Bismol is on the desk, as is a bottle of Excedrin.
"Meanwhile, splayed out on the desk before Obama are newspapers (including the Chicago Tribune!) with blaring headlines like "Automakers Broke!" "Taliban Threat!" and "Dow Crashes!"
Seriously, I don't know why anyone would wish to have the nightmare job that being President certainly is!
I loved the cartoon! Victor liked it too. Made both of us laugh.
I wouldn't want to be president. Talk about stresssss!!!!!! My hair is already turning white. It would probably fall out.
I'm not president material, that's for certain!!!!
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